Equestrian Life
Clever flying changes and more needed for EA

Funny horse bucking in paddock - Labelled for reuse


By Equestrian Life

In the wake of Roy Masters’ Sydney Morning Herald article, there are plenty of questions to ask of Equestrian Australia (EA) and our sport. Some would argue that it’s nothing new: these are questions that many within the industry have been asking for some time now. Why is change resisted and without any explanations?

Numerous lovers of the sport have conveyed their views privately to Equestrian Life in recent times. Here’s a sample of comments:

·         “Ungovernable”
·         “Governance change needed urgently or more failures inevitable”
·         “Who on the board is asking the hard questions about sponsorships and deliverables?”
·         How is it that other non EA elements of horse sports are flourishing?

In the latest issue of Equestrian Life (Issue 38, Sept/Oct), Heath Ryan continues the EA High Performance Program debate by discussing the lack of a suitable program for our four Olympic disciplines. He then talks realistic KPIs, program funding and why we need to adopt a longer-term approach to achieving international success.

Meanwhile, prominent Sydney racing and equestrian enthusiast James Mathers believes EA has a clever enough board to overcome shortfalls in its High Performance programs. In an urgent call for change, James delivers his opinion on the current state of EA… before providing some constructive suggestions for the future. Big picture ideas are certainly needed at the moment!

What are your views?

Is EA serving your needs?

What ideas do you and your friends have to improve the sport?





Issue 38

© copyright. Equestrian Life. Thursday, 25 April 2024