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Do you have a good support system for you and your horse?


NCTM - line of horses


Leslie Williamson of the NCTM Senior Lecturing Team;

As an Equine Myofunctional Therapist (EMT) and lecturer for 20 years, I have had many rewarding opportunities being a part of the various positive changes during a horses’ development within their working life.

Along the way the owner and I discuss main features of the horses emotional and mental wellbeing and physical abilities (often in conjunction with their Veterinarian) including all that I tactilely detect and explain about of the dysfunctional areas in the body and how these affects create physiological effects either positive or negative.

Preventative measures throughout the musculo-skeletal system are the key to improved longevity.

The owner and I will work through a common checklist and I will explain the functions and impact that each could be adversely imposing on the horse, I find this empowering for the owner, every ride becomes a ride knowing that the least amount of dysfunction and debilitating pain, at any given time, is the least it can be for their horse. It gives the rider a better peace of mind and the horse a far better opportunity to do the best they can.

A qualified EMT practitioner can discuss with you many aspects, for example; soft tissue dysfunction, saddle damage, positive in-hand proprioceptive exercises to implement, benefits of cross training the body and the brain, warm-up and warm-down and of course we always have recommended referrals to industry professionals.

Start your empowering journey today, contact the NCTM for further information www.nctm.com.au





Issue 38


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