Equestrian Life
Happy brave new year to you all!

  Tiny's and Mim's Blog Cover

Words and photos by Mim Coleman


How ARE you all?  Did you survive the silly season?  I have so much to share with you. Lets start with - WOW! What an amazing Brave New Year I have had.  Why?  I stood in front of a crowded room and shared my dream, which is now a reality AND I rode a YOUNG horse! For the record I am an introvert (public speaking sends me to water) and I am the biggest horse riding scaredy cat there is. So in less than a fortnight I have faced two Big Bad Bunyips (BBB) and SURVIVED.


2015 was a year of incredible privileges for me. One of them is to share Tiny and my journey, our Road to Grand Prix, with all of you.  So where are we on this road?


The most recent stop has been a clinic with Roger Fitzhardinge.  The first day we tried something different in our walk warm-up which I have been doing since with great effect. 


After a few laps of a long rein relaxed but active walk I pick up the reins and ask for roundness and softness in the bridle and immediately ask Tiny to put his “work” ears on.  Then using the mirrors for feedback I ask for shoulder-in, travers, renvers, halt, rein-back, leg yield, turn on the forehand.  Every step counts, I have said it before. 


George Morris in a recent article shared that with every step you are either training or un-training. The exercises allow me to gauge Tiny’s responsiveness to my leg, is he using his hind legs evenly, is he bending through the body, is he even in my contact, is he against one leg or another, is he in balance (NOT on the forehand) Can I quicken the walk? Can I shorten the walk? The feedback I get during this time is much easier to correct than in trot or canter.  Because whatever break in the loop of energy that I am creating from Tiny’s hind legs, through my seat and legs, through to the bridle will be louder in these paces.


 In the warm-up I can feel where Tiny is at and then plan the remaining session to address it.  With Roger’s eagle eye we could see that in shoulder-in right Tiny would step out through the left hind. Why? Simple its easier to let the energy seep out that hind than bring the right hind under his body.


It is his weakness and monthly visits from his chiro keeps us on top of it.  But is does manifest itself in his thoroughness on this rein and I can feel it as a break in the loop of energy with a heaviness in the rein.  So we spent some time warming up each side with an emphasis on the right hind.  It was invaluable for Tiny and with fine tuning of aids by the time it came to warm-up trot I had a horse that was listening, attentive and waiting. All from a WALK warm-up!


I have used this strategy in our training sessions since and I really like it.  It seems to work for me as I get time to get the feel and it works for Tiny as his body, legs and mind are being bent and flexed and becoming suppler with every step.


At the end of the session we rode through the Inter II the next “BIG CITY” destination on our journey.  Its all there but rough and needing finesse. I felt that we weren’t too far away from having a crack. BUT the BBB called the canter zig zag looms and as you all know it is our least liked movement. So day 2 was going to be all about being brave and facing up to this BBB and saying BOO!


So its day 2 and we are warmed-up and its time for Bunyip showdown. Oh dear – round one went to the Bunyip. I was HOPELESS! Poor Rog he must have wondered why on earth he dragged himself out of bed early to come and deal with this mess.  So without boring you too much with every attempt this is what is sounded like.


“No no no! You are going too sideways – how can he change when you are asking him to go sideways?”


“ AGAIN – one, big sideways, two start to straighten, 3 straighten change flexion, four change, NO that was 5, come around again!”


“One big sideways, two start to straighten, NO too sideways, come around again!”


“this time try it and think leg yield not half pass, with slight counter flexion”


“One sideways, two straighten, 3 straight, 4 change – what are you doing? he is already in he correct flexion to the new direction!"– AGAIN”


“What was that ? – AGAIN!”


My head was spinning and I think Tiny was thinking


“What are you doing up there can’t you hear what he is saying?”


Poor Tiny, poor Rog will I ever get this right?


Will we ever get to Grand Prix? THIS is my BIGGEST stumbling block and I HAD to smash it to smithereens!


“Again, don’t count just ride leg yield with counter flexion, then change YES! see when you have the flexion already established to the new way then he can come through and change! AGAIN”


“Yes and now leg yeld left, counter flex, change, leg yield right counter flex , change,  leg yield left counter flex change – YES YES YES!”


OMG  Finally I had some semblance of a zig zag.  Its rough and ready but it felt so much better than what I had in my mind on how to ride this movement.


Many pats and “good boys” for Tiny in our cool down and the clinic was over. Oh boy SOOOO much homework – yikes!


Roger you are a Saint and my hero.


Next stop is – drum roll ……..


A 2 day clinic with Mary Hanna !  Wheeeee super excited – will I dare ask her to help me with the zig zag with fear of her thinking I am a basket case – hmmmmm with 2016 being my Brave New Year I think I have no choice really.


I came across this on Margie Warrell’s website that I want to share with you.


Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage.


Good isn’t it?


For 2016 I am going to sign off with my recent inspiration found in my buzzing little head on one of my early morning walks.  I hope you like it.


OH and it was Tiny’s 19th birthday recently.  Here is our conversation when I asked for birthday photos.


Thank you for reading, liking and sharing your support helps more than you can know.

Mim and Tiny


Oh one other thing. I am super super thrilled that Abbie O’Brien has joined the EQLife stable of bloggers. This young woman is remarkable and her story is of true inspiration. Go Abbie!!




Your own


Come true




Vol 2016 Ch 1


M: Tiny I want to take a photo of you wearing your birthday present.


T: Ok – what do I have to do?



M: I want your BEST cute face and your ears forward

Conversations with Tiny 1

T:Like this?


M: I want BOTH ears forward please


T: But I can see my sugar cubes over there – can I have one?



M: Cute face, ears forward and then sugar

Conversations with Tiny 2

T: How about this?

M: No eyes are closed



T: How about this ?

Conversations with Tiny 3





T: Can I have my sugar now? I am looking super cute now J

Conversations with Tiny 4


M: * sigh * Yes I will fetch your sugar.

© copyright. Equestrian Life. Wednesday, 8 May 2024