Equestrian Life
If you could ask Charlotte Dujardin one question...

Charlotte and valegro in the final

© McCool Photography

By Mim Coleman

Hello from Vegas. There is no dressage today so I thought I would share this with you. Be sure to have your dancing shoes on tomorrow because it's going to be all about the freestyles - woo hoo!

If I could ask Charlotte one question what would it be?

I thought this to myself about 2 weeks prior to leaving for the FEI World Cup Final in Las Vegas. I wondered if the chance arose and I had 1 question I could ask the defending FEI World Champion Charlotte Dujardin the rider of the beautiful Valegro, what would it be?

My thoughts then went immediately to a young woman, in her early 20's who has just completed her first season of competitive dressage. She has experienced the full range of dressage emotions. The disappointment, confusion, bewilderment, helplessness to joy, elation, confidence and humbleness. She is a talented rider with all the attributes to be a great competitor. Also the passion to be an ambassador for the sport into the future.

My passion is to be a mentor with the view of growing the sport in a positive manner. This generation of riders are central to its success. So I asked her what SHE would ask Charlotte and I would convey the question if I bumped into her at Starbucks grabbing a coffee. As that is extremely unlikely I'm putting it out there into the Universe, let's see what happens, so here goes.

Hi Charlotte, how do you keep up the drive, enthusiasm and energy when you go through the tough times in training and competition? How do you realign to stay on the path you have set to meet your goals?

Ok I know that was 2 questions, but they go hand in hand…

What question would you ask Charlotte, given the chance?

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