Equestrian Life
Team Joyce April Update: You never know

LH Pocohontas standing
Tiffany with Poco

Team Joyce bred a grey mare five years ago. She was by our previous stallion LH Paulie out of a chestnut mare Cleo who was by Capone. We named her LH Pocahontas’ quite an attractive young lady but did not seem to have that extra special button giving us the impression she would jump big jumps. The thought of what would she would suit best, where and how would we advertise her because she still had a lot going for her. Then one day we saw an ad on Facebook of all places’ requesting Grey mares aged between 4-8 years not Hendra vaccinated. Straight away we made an inquiry to see if Poco would fit the bill. They requested we send through photos and video of her then to wait and see. After about 2 weeks we heard that she would be placed on the look see list for an inspection. On that note we asked what she would be used for and to our delight we were told Poco may be one of 10 grey horses which parade for the Thailand Royal family. Now this was something very new to us never before had we even seen how they paraded nor when or why!

LH Pocohontas in the paddock ©Team Joyce
Tiffany riding Poco

On further research we discovered that the Thai Royal Guards parade, also known as Trooping the Colour, occurs every December 2 since 1953, in celebration of the birthday of the King of Thailand, during which the Royal Guards of the Royal Thai Armed Forces perform a military parade and pledge loyalty to the monarch. The venue is the Royal Plaza at Bangkok, Thailand, in front of the Dusit Palace and its Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall. The parade is notable for the colourful uniforms .

Of the 13 participating battalions most are from the Royal Thai Army with two battalions, one each from the Royal Thai Navy and Royal Thai Marine Corps and another two battalions coming from the Royal Thai Air Force; all in full dress uniforms. This was just one parade there are many each year  the horses are well prepared and educated for the public exhibit.

On the first inspection about fifteen Thai people all with different levels of expertise asked Team Joyce to present Poco un-mounted for a minor health check, picking up her feet ,pulling her tail, looking for blemishes and measuring her height with a proper stick. Step two we had to lead her out similar to a trot up on the sand arena. Then we saddled her up to show her behaviour and level of education on the flat and jumping. Poco was quite interested in all the viewing from the side line with the camera’s all clicking and chattering her ears were nicely pricked forward at all times! The final over haul of taking her heart rate more leg lifting , hoof testing and having a close look in her eyes then the good bye ‘s ,“ We shall let you know later today.”

Poco was one of the horses the group chose for the second inspection one week later which would involve the same process with more people and if that goes well a vet inspection will be required. The second day went really well and Poco was delighted to see about twenty- five people watching her put her best hoof forward! She made the cut and would also pass the thorough vet check a few days later which meant her new career was now titled a Parade horse for the Thai Royal family.

Loading LH Pocohantos
LH Pocahontas loading onto the truck

There were four other grey horses purchased at the same time , we were told they need a total of 10 new grey’s to make the front line to replace the existing ones who are now ready for retirement. Poco would have her very own rider /handler so she will have the chance to bond nicely to form a strong relationship and learn the ropes of becoming a good parade horse.

Ten grey horses always lead the parade (1)
Grey horses leading the parade

There are many bay and black horses in the line up behond the grey's (3)
Bay, black parade horses

LH Pocahontas arrived in Thailand early April and we look forward to eventually see some images of her in armour strutting her stuff in the front line! What a lovely ending one with a difference, one experience never to be forgotten in the world of horses. You just never know!

Ten grey horses always lead the parade (2)
Grey horses in the parade

© copyright. Equestrian Life. Friday, 3 May 2024