Equestrian Life
BLOG: A month of achievements

Emma Pidgeon and Kate 2 - Photo Credit Kayleen Figg

Emma and Kate have had a great month out and about.

© Kayleen Figg


By Emma Pidgeon

Life goes on. I was such a diligent blogger when I first started, so prolific with the garbage I’m assuming only my mother wanted to read. Now I find myself thinking ‘that would be a good photo for my blog’ then never get around to writing it.

I have had a few exciting things happening lately. Kate performed magically two weekends in a row, which is a streak for her. I am thrilled.

Emma Pidgeon and Kate 2 - Photo Credit Terri McNamarra

Emma is all smiles after Kate's consistent performances.

© Terri McNamarra

I went up to Ingham a few weeks ago for the ODE, Arthur went up to Prelim for his first go at that height which was equal parts exciting and terrifying. I have been feeling quite bored with Intro, but up here in North Qld, cross country is so rare it took me a long time to work up the courage to go up a grade. I had been getting speeding fines the last couple of runs around intro because Arthur really found his gallop gear and started to move along a lot more easily, so going up to prelim was an easy decision. Turns out, the right one. Clear and under time cross country! He was such a star and really looked after me the whole way.

Kate was eliminated at jump number 3 (OOPS) there was water on the other side of the jump and the little princess thought she was going to have to land in it. Herbert River are such a great club they were happy to let me continue on the course. I got her over jump number 3, by riding a different angle so she could see the clear ground on the other side (duh, should have done that in the first place) and after that she was perfect. It was only Pre-Intro but she felt amazing, tackling the ditch, the sunken road and the combinations without blinking an eye. It was such a good confidence builder for us both.

Emma Pidgeon and Kate - Photo Credit Kayleen Figg

Emma and Kate on cross country.

© Kayleen Figg

The following weekend I went to a local jumping weekend where I went along with just Kate. Yup, one horse only. First time in a long time I only had one horse somewhere. Kate was great, jumping in the 70cm, we had lots of clear rounds and finished second overall. I was stoked  It feels good to have some of my perseverance paying off. I have believed in this horse, and despite some rocky moments, we’re still together and she is growing up beautifully.

Emma Pidgeon and Kate 3 - Photo Credit Terri McNamarra

Perseverance is paying off with Kate.

© Terri McNamarra

The next couple of weeks are a bit quiet on the competition front because I have been neglecting my home life. I have a wedding to plan and a house that apparently needs cleaning so I am paying some attention to that. I am still looking for a young rider to take on Arthur, so he is still at home. Kate and Jay are going to be ready for an outing in a month or so. It will be the first for Jay which I am excited about. He is such a sweet little horse, and I am planning to sell him as a kid’s horse once he has some more outings.

Emma Pidgeon and Kate - Photo Credit Terri McNamarra

Emma and Kate.

© Terri McNamarra

Oh, how could I forget, I got a cat. Her name is Yoghurt and I got her from the RSPCA. She was supposed to be a vicious shed cat in charge of keeping mice out of the feed. I have never considered myself a cat person, but I am in love. Yoghurt is becoming more and more part of the family. Anyone thinking of getting a cat I can highly recommend heading down to the RSPCA and getting an adult cat. All the hard work is done. She was vaccinated, desexed, microchipped and best of all litter-trained. So happy.

 Emma Pidgeon's new cat Yoghurt - Photo Credit Emma Pidgeon

Emma's new cat Yoghurt.

© Emma Pidgeon

I have also become somewhat of a Kardashian. I am addicted to snapchat! You can follow me; my username is epidgeon. I am always looking for new people to follow so hit me up with suggestions.

Thanks guys,


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© copyright. Equestrian Life. Saturday, 4 May 2024