Equestrian Life

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Shane Rose and CP Qualified in shoulder in before the test - Aachen - Photo credit Roger Fitzhardinge

Shane Rose and CP Qualified in the shoulder-in before their test at Aachen, 2016.

© Roger Fitzhardinge


By Roger Fitzhardinge

Shane Rose is one of Australia's internationally recognised top eventing riders.

Some of Shane’s most prestigious successes have been his silver medal at Beijing, team bronze in Rio, a third at Burghley International Horse Trials, and wins at Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne International Three Day Events. When asked about his greatest success he simply shrugs his shoulders as if they have come and gone and remains modest with a wry smile. He is certainly not one who ponders on his achievements but looks to the next day with enthusiasm and interest.

Shane and his wife Niki run a huge pre-training and breaking establishment at Werombi, NSW near Camden where they have up to 80 horses in work including Shane's eventers and Niki's dressage horses and eventers. They also have their hands full with daughter Olivia who is two and son Harry who is five months of age.

Shane is a passionate rider, coach and mentor, but also plays golf with as much competitive steel as Tiger Woods, and would never miss a good game of rugby or cricket, let alone a party! He is an all-time great guy who never seems to take a minute's rest. Not even broken bones will stop him from competing and working and it's only too often that he is seen carrying some fairly major injury, yet continues about his duties and responsibilities without a whimper.

Along with all of this he finds time to be instrumental in organising competitions, including the Camden Equestriad (held this weekend!), which is an event that runs like clockwork and has hundreds of individual entries each year.

Shane is on Equestrian Australia's Elite Eventing Squad and is a seriously competitive and talented rider with nerves of steel but at the same time a great friend to many and a great father and husband. He is at all times ready to lend a hand and will always be seen to stick up for his rights and his mates. He has a witty sense of humour and is always up for a dare and a good time.

Believe it or not Shane is also a great cook and enjoys preparing a meal for his family or friends and admits nothing better than coming in at night, especially in winter weather, to a meal that's ready to eat. This is one of his all time favourites and assures me that it's easy and a taste sensation. We both hope you enjoy giving this one a go!

Slow Cooked Lamb Shoulder with Mustard, Thyme and Garlic


•    1 boned out Lamb Shoulder  you can buy these ready in Woolies or Coles)
•    4 tbsp of Djion Mustard
•    6 cloves of Garlic
•    . bunch of Thyme
•    3 tbsp Sea Salt
•    1 tbsp of ground Black Pepper
•    1 lt of Chicken Stock with 2 cups of water


1.    Heat oven to about 180C. Place Garlic, Thyme (Stalks and all), Salt and pepper into a food processor and ground up to a paste. Mix paste with Mustard and rub completely all over your shoulder.
2.    Place into a deep baking tray, one with a lid if you have one – Put into preheated oven uncovered for 15mins until it just becomes golden, turn oven down to 160C and pour chicken stock and water into tray. Cover with a lid or foil tightly and cook for 3 hrs. Take out and meat should be falling apart.
3.    Serve with its own juices, some crispy roasted potatoes and a rocket salad.

Dead easy!!!






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