Equestrian Life
Product Feature: Kelato GastroAID

 Rozzie Ryan trusts Kelato for her horses

 Rozzie Ryan chooses and recommends Kelato GastroAID for optimal equine gut health

© Stephen Mowbray


That connection you have with your horse is special. Whether you’re competing, training, breeding or caring, you’re sure to have a unique bond. And since no one knows your horse like you, who better to tell if something’s not quite right?                       

Kelato have been working on the products that can help you and your horse when things aren’t quite as they should be. Understanding that many of the issues affecting our horses stem from unbalanced gut health, in developing GastroAID Recovery and GastroAID Everyday, Kelato have focused on digestive problems that affect:

  •  37% of sport and leisure horses
  •  50% of foals
  •  60% of horses in training
  •  66% of endurance horses and
  •  90% of racehorses.

Diagnosing gut health issues has traditionally been complex. GastroAID’s accessible and easy to feed formula makes it easier to combat issues that might not have an obvious cause, like poor condition, lack of appetite and behavioural changes.



 GastroAID Recovery and GastroAID Everyday are specially formulated to promote optimal gut health and function


For anyone competing and training at the top level, changes in their horses’ health can have a huge impact on performance and results. As elite competitors and pioneers in Australian performance horse breeding, Rozzie and Heath Ryan at Ryans Horses have a unique perspective on what it takes to compete at Olympic level. “In an Olympic campaign there are no short cuts, and there’s no room for anything but the essentials,” says Rozzie. 

“Like most people, we look after our horses first because we know how important it is to have them feeling their best when they’re under pressure to perform. And it’s often the things you can’t see that make the biggest difference.”

Originally, Heath was sceptical when it came to supplements. But he was impressed with Kelato’s thoughtfully prepared formula.

“With GastroAid, we’re seeing a big difference in our horses’ recovery, condition and general gut health. In a sport where the smallest percentages can be the difference between winning and being back in the field, we’ll do everything we can to make sure our horses are feeling their best.”

Kelato understand that the products you use need to have been developed with the same level of care as you give your horse. Every ingredient has to have a reason to be there. GastroAID has a number of elements that don’t just help combat problems, like those caused by acidity, harmful bacteria and free radicals, but positively promote your horse’s natural stomach environment, immune response and intestinal cells. And most importantly, horses love it.

As Heath and Rozzie say, it’s critical to always be on the front foot when it comes to caring for and managing your horses. GastroAID helps them to know they’re doing all they can to have their team feeling happy and healthy.

Trust your gut feelings. Because no one knows your horse like you do.

For more information about Kelato GastroAID, click here.

Written in conjunction with Kelato












© copyright. Equestrian Life. Wednesday, 8 May 2024