Equestrian Life
Planning your perfect stable

A beautiful stable block, such as this one, is a key feature of an equine property

A beautiful stable block, such as this one, is a key feature of an equine property


Planning, designing and building a home is an exciting, sometimes challenging, and always multi-faceted process. Adding stables to your property is no different! Jonny Hornsey, Director of ABC Sheds, shares his top tips gleaned from many years of helping horse owners achieve their dream facilities.

1.    Location, location, location!

One of the first points to check is whether you require approval from your local council; this will vary depending on factors such as the size and location of your property, the scale of your plans, and whether you are converting an existing structure or starting from scratch. 
Once the approval process is clarified, it’s time to choose the specific location for your new stables. “Finding a flat and level area with good drainage should help to minimise the cost of site preparation and earthworks,” Jonny explains. Running power and water to the area, if this is not already in place, will add to the project cost – so locating your stables in close proximity to existing services is a wise choice.

When choosing a location, remember that access will be important not only during the construction phase, but also once the stables are in use. If bedding and feed will be delivered on trucks, ensure your stables are located and designed in a way that will enable easy vehicle access. This is also an important consideration for safety – should the need to evacuate your horses arise, will horses and vehicles be able to arrive and depart quickly and easily?

2.    Spend time on the design

Stables are built to last. If plans are made in haste, in future you may find yourself stuck dealing with daily inconveniences or worse still, safety hazards that could have been avoided if they were identified in the design phase. According to Jonny, consideration for how well your stables will function in all seasons is an important factor – for example, catching the afternoon sun may be perfect for the winter months yet unbearable during summer. The impact of the elements on a stabled horse’s comfort and wellbeing cannot be underestimated, so be sure to check whether your stable design allows for sufficient light, airflow and protection. 


Light, ventilation and ceiling height are important considerations when planning

Light, ventilation and ceiling height are important considerations when planning


While the dimensions of each stable, ceiling height and a stable complex’s aisle width are critically important, Jonny observes that it’s also specific details such as stable door design that will impact significantly on the new stables’ functionality. “For example, when choosing whether to use sliding or swinging doors, think of whether you’ll be tying horses up or hanging rugs outside the stable, as your daily routines can influence your design choices,” Jonny advises.

3.    Think of the future

Whilst no-one has a crystal ball, it’s important to have a serious think about how your situation and needs may change with time. Building extra stables because you anticipate owning more horses in the future may or may not be financially feasible in the short term, however Jonny encourages clients to discuss possible future scenarios so this can be allowed for in the design and construction.  “Beyond the stables themselves, consider other facilities you may want to develop later on. If you’re thinking of adding an arena, or more storage areas, or even some yards, this is an important consideration for the layout and design, and can save a lot of money and time in future.”


The layout of your stables is an important consideration in the planning stage

The layout of your stables is an important consideration in the planning stage


4.    Seek professional advice

Adding stables to your property is a project most horse owners are unlikely to do more than once in their lifetime – however companies such as ABC Sheds benefit from years of experience in this field and are happy to share advice. When choosing a company to work with, consider their portfolio of existing work and longevity in the industry, and ask to see testimonials from other customers. Most companies – like ABC Sheds – will welcome the opportunity to share examples of previous projects and explain different design options, from layout to materials and everything in between. 

5.    The cheapest price does not always represent the best value

Price is an important consideration in any project, however it pays to remember why you chose to go ahead with stables in the first place – your horse’s health and happiness is important! Spending a little more to develop a well ventilated, well constructed, safe stable with no niggling issues trumps the satisfaction of securing the lowest possible price.

“One of the most important elements when building stables is accuracy – if a panel is not quite square it can compromise the structure and safety, or if stable doors don’t open or close easily it will at best be annoying, and at worst it will be dangerous — these are some of the issues we do see and hear of when cost is an overriding factor and a quality company or contractor is not involved,” Jonny explains.


ABC Sheds is a family owned and run business focused on innovation, excellence and the provision of exceptional customer service throughout production and installation, coupled with full after sales support.




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