Many marks can be gained by working on the more mundane elements of the tests, and in particular, the centrelines are an often forgotten but very important part of the test.

Brett Parbery5 Jan 2025

Have you ever noticed the stories and excuses you tell yourself leading to a competition? Brett Parbery, in partnership with Jonah Oliver, has recently created a specific program for riders wanting to improve their performances...

Liza Harvey11 May 2024

The walk is a pace that is said to demonstrate the correctness of dressage training. It is of vital importance and needs a very attentive rider to pay special attention to its every need...

Adele Severs24 Dec 2023

Paralympian Emma Booth explores competition nerves and how to tame them...

Adele Severs21 Jun 2023

Excellent performance in any human endeavour is based on preparation. Training to maximise your marks in the dressage arena is no exception. That perfect preparation is only achieved through practise...

Equestrian Life19 Jun 2023

21st century life just seems to roll on faster and faster. We all seem to be juggling many things. Horses have to fit in with work and family commitments. We are asked to volunteer in the sport. How can we do it all?

Adele Severs16 Jun 2023

A good first impression goes a long way in any aspect of life, but so too in dressage. Lyndal Oatley looks at how to improve your score in the dressage arena...

Adele Severs8 Jun 2023