At the NSW Dressage Championships, there were a number of well-performed horses that turned heads and should be very exciting to follow as they near FEI level.
I watched many of the classes at the Regency Floats New South Wales Dressage Championships and I have to say that the level that was a real eye-opener for talent was the Advanced. They were great horses with excellent riding and – just my opinion – the judges could have been more generous with their marks in these classes! There were real internationally-produced horses in there.
It’s impossible to go past the riding and success of Robbie McKinnon, who won at many levels but won the Advanced with a 75.271% and a 73.333% on Hollands Bend Rococo, a black 10-year-old mare that was full of energy. As always, Robbie was wonderful in her position, showing balance and competency that really looked international. The horse is owned by breeder Jane Bartram.
Then the two imported horses owned by Kylie Riddell. Fribaldi by Fürst Romancier scored a 74.257% and a 72.5%. This beautiful black gelding at only seven years old is wonderfully trained and with Matthew Dowsley in the saddle, the control, balance and positioning for the movements and the lines he rides are just wonderful. Fribaldi is a horse that shows all for Grand Prix already, with good piaffe and passage. Then the gorgeous leggy chestnut gelding Boulevard, by Bordeaux, who at 10 years old shows great throughness and expression. David McKinnon does an amazing job riding him and makes it look effortless! Another future Grand Prix horse.

Boulevard with David McKinnon in the saddle was impressive in the Advanced classes. © Roger Fitzhardinge.
Rozzie Ryan was up there with the up-and-coming MSJ Nemo, and what a fabulous rider with all the basics in place for a positive future. There were some other good horses indeed, but the missing link was that real throughness that was to allow the ease.
One horse in the Elementary that showed talent was Challenger Florian for Rochelle King-Andrews with a 70.938% and 73.110%, and so honest through and easy to see the training and adjustability. No pressure here and an easy horse to give positive marks to. Another in the Elementary was Asterix, owned by Karen Miller. Asterix is a wonderful mover for sure and being taken slowly here ridden by Lyndal Yelavich. Two 72+% tests, and more marks to gain with a better degree of collection and throughness, but slow and positive work being put in here. Zoolander TPH by Glock’s Zonik N.O.P. was also very impressive, but at just five years old he needs to get more experience and strength. A beautiful type.
It was an obvious win in the Inter II to Forlan, owned by Carol Oatley and ridden by the talented David McKinnon. An 11-year-old by Jazz and wonderfully ridden – no pedal to the metal here with this exciting horse. It all looked well established and a ride that was obviously to gain arena confidence and a ride towards Grand Prix; all looking exciting and who knows, just in time for Paris? Their 72.088% was going easy! The entire test was consistent and easy.

Boulevard with David McKinnon in the saddle was impressive in the Advanced classes. © Roger Fitzhardinge.

Fribaldi for Matthew Dowsley in the Advanced classes also turned heads. © Roger Fitzhardinge.

Challenger Florian in the Elementary with Rochelle King-Andrews. © Roger Fitzhardinge.
Alison Gill certainly showed how it was done with Seawynd Colorado, owned by Emily MacIntosh in the Advanced Championship for ponies with 71.622% and 68.875% – to be over 10% above the next competitor. An amazing Welsh and it has simply amazing piaffe and passage… look out Grand Prix. The fabulous small pony in Hilken’s Denali showed amazing talent in the Big Tour and Alison Gill’s two are truly through and expressive. Denali, owned by Wendy Lorincz, scored 67.912% to be second to David McKinnon in the Inter II from 14 competitors. A tiny pony that is so well schooled and amazing to see. In the Grand Prix a creditable score of 64.478%.

Challenger Florian in the Elementary with Rochelle King-Andrews. © Roger Fitzhardinge.
In the Prix St Georges it was another win for Robbie McKinnon and Rococo with 72.304% and Silmarillion E for Robbie was second on 71.765% and an elegant frame and attitude. Such a great rider on a horse that is talented and expressive, but a little excitable. Silmarillion E also won the Inter I on 70.343%.
With many of these horses approaching the FEI levels, it’ll certainly be exciting to see how they progress at future championships. EQ
Full results from the NSW Dressage Championships can be found here.
Maree’s European Perspective – Equestrian Life, September 2022