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The Big Bang Theory was one of the biggest comedy shows ever to explode on our screens – and the repeats still draw in millions of viewers all over the world. But for one of its stars, the “big bang” is bad news if it is the sound of a jump falling after you have ridden over it. Yes, BBT star Kaley Cuoco knows all about big bangs.

In her spare time, Kaley Cuoco enjoys horse riding and playing at international online casinos. This versatile actress, known for her roles in popular TV shows and movies, finds relaxation and excitement in these two very different pastimes. Horse riding, for Kaley Cuoco, is a passion that allows her to connect with nature and unwind from the demands of her busy career. It’s a sport that requires both physical skill and a deep bond with these majestic animals. On the other hand, playing at international online casinos, where she can get all bonuses offered at GGBet Casino adds an element of thrill and entertainment to Kaley Cuoco’s leisure hours. Cuoco, like many others, appreciates the convenience of being able to enjoy various casino games from the comfort of her own home.

These diverse hobbies showcase Kaley Cuoco’s ability to balance her love for the outdoors with the enjoyment of virtual gaming, making her a relatable figure to those who appreciate both the serenity of horse riding and the excitement of online casinos.

“I think I first rode a small pony when I was a little girl,” says Kaley. “My parents were just normal people without a show business or movie background and they made sure that they demonstrated love and care and took an interest in all kinds of things, all of them pretty normal. There were no real show business connections to my roots that I am aware of.

“I had a passion for horses, dogs, cats and just about anything with fur or feathers, but especially horses. I also had a passion for tennis and being outdoors, doing things. I don’t think any of that has ever changed. I guess I am still just a girl at heart.”

In fact, Kaley is not just a casual rider, she really does love her horses and the whole equestrian experience from grooming to jumping. “I’m an equestrian in every sense of the word,” she says. “I just love horses and being with them. As I said, I rode when I was a little girl, but I think I started taking it seriously when I was about 16 and I have been passionate about the whole equestrian world ever since.”

Of course, Kaley became famous as part of The Big Bang Theory team and every day there is a sack of fan mail which she tries her best to answer. “It was fantastic to be in the show and especially for so many series,” Kaley reveals. “It was fun to make and the team was just brilliant. We were good friends and loved going to work each day. We still are good friends and meet up occasionally, especially at fan events. I don’t think any of us realised how big it had become until we went to one of those events and found thousands of fans there. It was quite overwhelming.

“If I see an episode it makes me laugh in two ways – the script was funny but also it reminds me of the things that went wrong or the ad libs that made us all laugh at the time. It was quite hard work but because we all shared the whole experience it was so good.

“Nevertheless, you need a break from work and I always ran to my horses. I just loved being with them and would spend ages grooming or just going for a hack. I still do, of course, and I think I must have a competitive streak because I love show jumping at all levels. I am a big supporter of most equestrian sports.

“If I spend 10 minutes on the drums
I feel like a new person.”


“I do compete and I have had some success but I don’t see myself as ever jumping in the Olympics or anything of that sort of standard. I was married for a while to Karl Cook, who is much more the professional rider than I am. We parted but we are still the very best of friends, there was never any fall-out, just different careers. I would love to compete at the highest level of show jumping, I think I’d actually really like to challenge myself a little bit more in that area.”

Born in California, Kaley has had at least three career opportunities. As a girl she started getting modelling work, which was a stepping stone for her eventual acting career. At the same time, amazingly from the age of three she was also a very talented tennis player and is still high-ranking as an amateur.

“There was a point when I had to decide where I was going,” she explains. “I had the potential to become a professional tennis player and then there were the horses and also the acting. By my mid-teens I was getting acting work and I thought if I pursued that career it might give me opportunities also to have time for horses and tennis.

“It worked out, in a way. I was grateful for the work I was getting both on TV and in the movies. The schedules meant that I could also ride and play tennis. I think I have always been the sort of person who likes to have different things going on and also to try different things. That’s how I also became a drummer and took up another interest in kick-boxing. I know they are all diverse but they all contribute something. If I spend 10 minutes on the drums I feel like a new person, it is very exhilarating.”

Nothing is as exhilarating as riding, though. “It’s true that the adrenaline flows when you are acting or competing in a tennis match, but I don’t think that anything truly gives you the excitement and the joy of being on horseback, whether just for a leisurely hack or to compete in a jump-off.”


There was a time when it became a little too exciting. “Yes, I had a nasty accident while riding. I’m not sure if any accident is anything but nasty, but basically I came out of the saddle and hit the ground pretty hard. Then the horse in a bit of a panic accidentally stood on my leg, which I think was already damaged.

“So, off to hospital where it seemed that the only conclusion was to amputate my leg. That was a horrific prospect, of course, but they decided that they would make a full examination before deciding properly. I was asked to sign a consent note giving them permission to do whatever. I did, of course, and when I came round I was told that they had saved the leg but had to put a load of metal inside to hold it all together. I was very grateful, of course.

“I missed a couple of episodes of Big Bang and then when I went back I was sitting down for most of the time and they really carved the script and the direction around my restricted movements. It was one of those things that is better to talk about later than actually be there at the time.”

Kaley never got on a horse again – no, not really. She could not wait to get back in the saddle. “It was a little awkward at first, but I was determined that I was not going to stop riding and I was soon able to ride as before and jump again. My career continued and my riding continued – who could ask for anything more?

“I am still competing, I have my own horses and sometimes I compete under a different name because of all the attention it attracts if it is known that I am competing in a nearby event. I like it when people come to see the event, not just to try and get an autograph. I do sign as many of those as I am asked, but not when you are about to go into the ring to try and get a clear round on a horse who does not care who you are, how famous you are or anything like that.

“If you give a good groom, always have a few goodies in the pocket and simply love horses, then you have an equine friend for life.” EQ


The Horse With The Flying TailEquestrian Life, February 2023