Some say she is a fantastic entertainer while others just think she is crazy, but whatever you may think of Lady Gaga, it is undeniable that she really loves her horses and takes special care of them.

Lady Gaga and Arabian mare Arabella, her first horse who was gifted to her by her record company. Equestrian Life does not condone riding without a helmet. Image supplied.
Lady Gaga was drawn to horses early in life, but never owned one until her record company gave her an Arabian mare for a birthday present. They have made music ever since.
“When I was a little girl, I wasn’t sure what to make of horses and ponies, especially horses,” Lady Gaga recalls. “I thought they looked beautiful and had nice eyes, but I was kind of ‘down there’ and they were ‘up there’ and I really liked them but was a bit scared of getting too close.
“That didn’t stop me being fascinated by them though, and I always wanted to get close but just couldn’t quite manage it. I guess I must have talked about them a lot because one day I was bought a horse as a gift and that was it. I was grown-up by then, of course. I was hooked when I was a little girl, hooked even more later on and then when I had my own horses I was totally hooked.”
Indeed, Lady Gaga’s love of her horses is as legendary as her international fame as a singer and actress. She is an unabashed animal lover who has a family of dogs as well as her horses. “Yes, I love dogs too and at home the equines and the canines get on pretty well together,” she enthuses. “They accept that they are all part of the family.”
She casually mentions “at home”, which is actually often referred to as an equestrian estate near the beach in Malibu, California. “We do have nice stables and plenty of space,” she agrees. “I love it and I love being able to just be outside with the horses and dogs in the paddocks or just hanging out together.”
Born in Manhattan in March 1986, Stefani – her real name – took to music from a very early age. “My parents were not from the business but they liked music and encouraged me to learn the piano,” she says. “I didn’t need much encouraging, I loved music and singing as soon as I knew it existed. Music becomes a friend and I think I needed one when I went to school at the Convent of the Sacred Heart. There was a lot of bullying, especially if you didn’t fit in with the crowd. I didn’t, I probably never have.”
As well as playing the piano, Stefani used to sing and by the time she was 14 she had started playing, singing, telling jokes and dancing in clubs. “I was learning what worked very fast,” she says. “I liked writing songs as well and used to try them out. Some went well, others not so well, but I never stopped learning. I went to the New York University Tisch School which taught the arts. I was only 17 and it was okay, but I wanted to get on with doing rather than just learning, so I started a band and things began to happen.
“I thought we were on our way but it didn’t work out like that. We got a recording deal but before we actually did anything it was cancelled and that was pretty upsetting. I moved back in with my parents to start all over again. I took jobs dancing in clubs until the singing picked up again and this time there was a steady progress. I am grateful to all those people who took a chance on me and helped. I don’t forget that.”

Lady Gaga has a few equine friends at her equestrian estate in Malibu. Image supplied.
Today she is a huge star with hit recordings and big-selling albums as well as a film career and she is well known for wearing amazing wigs, clothes and high heels.
“I would rather die than stop wearing those things,” she said. “It is what is expected of me, it is what I am and what I do. I don’t work to buy another mansion or three, I make sure that a lot of what I earn is ploughed back into the shows so that the performances are well-produced, spectacular and provide an experience that audiences will remember for the rest of their lives.”
Away from the spotlight though, the Lady spends as much time with her horses as possible. “That is very, very important,” she says. “I love them to bits. I don’t think that it is fair to take on a horse or a dog if you know you cannot look after him or her properly and give them what is needed, whether it is food and physical care or simply love. Horses give us everything they can, it is surely only fair to give them back as much as possible.
“I would take them with me everywhere but that is not possible. I think some of the hotels would object if I turned up with luggage and horses! I really miss saying goodnight to them in person if I am not there. Sometimes I phone home just to check they are okay and kind of say ‘goodnight’ to them.”
So, how did she overcome her worries about not getting too close? “I think that changed because I was grown-up, but really it happened when I moved to California and my record company gave me a horse as a present.” This was the beloved Arabella, an Arabian mare.
They must have heard me talking about horses, which I have always done quite a lot,” she admits. “Suddenly I had my very own horse. I had never had a riding lesson in my life but I just couldn’t wait to get on her back and be close to her. That was it. Now I ride as often as possible and I love the power of being on a horse. I have ponies, too, but they are more for fun and family than riding.”
Lady Gaga is not only famous for making music, she loves listening to it as well and has a long list of favourites, from Michael Jackson, to Madonna and Tony Bennett to Cher, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse and Bruce Springsteen.
“I have a huge collection of music and I like something playing most of the time, but I only listen to myself if I am checking something. What is great is that the horses seem to love music too – maybe not my music – although the dogs seem to recognise my voice but not totally. Their ears prick up and then they look at me as if to say, ‘it sounds like you but it can’t be you because you are sitting there and not making a sound!’ I think the horses prefer Michael Jackson anyway.”
Seeing Lady Gaga with her horses leaves little doubt that there is a great bond between them. “They are my family, my friends, my bundles of fun,” she says. “I think they know I love them but I do keep reminding them; it is worth it for the kisses. Riding is also very special and it has made such a difference to me. Getting on a horse for the first time forced me to be fearless pretty quickly. Now I love it… it has given me balance, strength and some great four-legged friends.” EQ

Lady Gaga loves spending time in the saddle. Equestrian Life does not condone riding without a helemet. Image supplied.
‘Django Unchained’ Behind the Curtain – Equestrian Life, August 2023