Not all riders burn enough calories to effect their weight or improve their cardiovascular capacity...

21 Jun 2017

Rider Fitness continues this week, looking at exercises that will help with leg conditioning...

Equestrian Life7 Jun 2017

We take a look at the different types of summer rugs available...

Adele Severs30 Sep 2016

Why do we rug our horses during the warmer months?

Adele Severs29 Sep 2016

In her latest blog, Trish Joyce looks at the difficult task of saddle fitting...

Equestrian Life14 Jul 2016

Hopefully you all took a little bit of time to work on your squat and lunge technique this week....and made the mirror you new best friend, Tiff takes us this week through push ups & chin ups.

Equestrian Life5 May 2013

Most of the population if they train, train what they like or know but our bodies become accustomed to what we are doing very quickly and we plateau - Tiffany discusses this week what to do to avoid those pesky plateaus in our training routine.

Equestrian Life8 Apr 2013